{venue_city}, {venue_state} {venue_zip}
October 25, 2019 - October 27, 2019 | Table Cost: $125
The tables are affordable and it's a pretty good con to sell at if you're local. It's especially great if you're just looking to get experience selling as an artist. Not sure if the weather had anything to do with it, but the attendance was pretty disappointing on Friday. It felt like a normal small con on the weekend at least. You won't make over 5k at this con, but at least you'll get experience if you're just starting out. The artist alley closes earlier than most cons, and there wasn't really much to do once the artist alley ended. Most of the good events were happening during the artist alley. The vendor room is also combined with the artist alley. The staff was super friendly and helpful at least! Also the hotel is willing to lend you their dollies to help move your stuff in and out of artist alley. Turnout is mainly on the smaller side.
Friday was super dead and I know a lot of the artists were sad about their low sales, but all of the staff kept assuring us that Saturday is their big day cause a lot of people just come for Saturday. They were correct and Saturday was busier! Tho attendance numbers seemed a lot less than I had seen posted for this convention in past years. In my opinion felt like 500 attendes tops on Saturday. Still, I made a decent profit over the weekend aided by the fact that I didn't have a hotel. That combined with awesome staff, definitely want to apply next year! I like seeing smaller cons grow. I can assume with pony fandom waning their original main crowd has faded, but on their site they brand as a general anime/comic/gaming con, so hopefully will bounce back.
I know they're changing venues in 2020 so all I will say about the venue they were at was it was good, and the hotel gave daytrippers free parking(!!!). I am interested to see the next venue (it will be at another Hyatt hotel).
N. Skiba
The table price was quite fair at $100 + $35 for the second badge, but the hotel cost was fairly steep at $130+ per night, and we didn't have anyone to split it with, so we commuted.
Lynne G.
The artist alley in general was a bit cramped, the initial e-mails sent out to everyone said that set up was at 7am, however on arrival it seemed they weren't ready yet. Despite this the staff tried to help rectify the situation right away and was able to let us start our set up right away. As said before the artist alley was a bit cramped but not unbearable, they may want to consider a larger room in the future.
The convention was held at the Hyatt in Morristown, while the hotel is very nice it is a bit confusing to find your way around initially, I do think we spent more time trying to find our way to register than actually registering; this only appeared to be an issue when coming from the parking garage.
All in all the tables were fairly priced, if you are selling with a friend you will make your money back in no time if you are selling high-interest fandom items at that time. The price for the hotel wasn't even too terrible IF you are sharing a room with a few people ($119 a night is a bit rough for just 2 people to share). If you live in the general area I'd say to check it out, Saturday night and Sunday were the best sales days.