Hey there my dudes, it’s your friendly-ish admin here, sitting at home surrounded by somewhat more pasta than usual. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, there are a lot of convention cancellations due to Covid-19 of late. While this is undoubtedly disappointing to many, the health of our communities of course takes precedence. Therefore, I’m going to ask everyone not to give poor ratings to cons that cancel in the name of stopping the spread of coronavirus. No doubt you all know this, but it doesn’t hurt to say it up front. 😉 And now, on to the new listings!
New Cons – Jan. 12, 2020
New Cons – Sept. 21, 2019
New Cons – Sept 11, 2019
Hi there AAC crew! I think I’ve FINALLY cleared out the backlog of convention additions. If you still don’t see a convention you submitted, there’s a chance it got lost in the shuffle, so please feel free to submit it again. Ok then, onto the list!
New Cons – Jan 16, 2019
Happy 2019, AAC party people! Apologies for the lull in convention-adding around these parts. I’m slowly working on something that I hope will dramatically increase the site’s functionality. I’ll be keeping it under wraps a little while longer, but if all goes according to plan, it should be ready before con season gets going in the spring. Anyway, on to the new conventions!
Patreon, Ko-fi, and New Conventions
Welcome back, AAC amigos! First, a bit of news: you may have noticed the site’s looking a little different. In addition to freshening up the style, we’ve also added some handy links in case you feel like donating to support the site. We’re planning on implementing some new features (a convention calendar being first among them), and would really appreciate any help you can give to get us up and running. Anyway, without further ado, onto the new conventions!
New Conventions – September 19, 2018
New Conventions – September 3, 2018
Hi there AAC party people! It’s been a minute since you heard from the ol’ news section, eh? Well it’s come to my attention that the lack of chatter from your crabby old admin has led some to believe that this page is (gasp!) inactive. Longtime reviewers will know the truth, but maybe we should make some noise so the newcomers will know we’re still kickin’. From now on I’ll be posting a wee update whenever new conventions are added to the site. So without further ado, here are the latest additions to the AAC family: