• New Conventions,  News

    New Cons – March 17, 2020

    Hey there my dudes, it’s your friendly-ish admin here, sitting at home surrounded by somewhat more pasta than usual. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, there are a lot of convention cancellations due to Covid-19 of late. While this is undoubtedly disappointing to many, the health of our communities of course takes precedence. Therefore, I’m going to ask everyone not to give poor ratings to cons that cancel in the name of stopping the spread of coronavirus. No doubt you all know this, but it doesn’t hurt to say it up front. 😉 And now, on to the new listings!

  • News

    Convention Calendar

    Aaaaaand we’re back! Hey there AAC friendos! I’d like to draw your attention to the menu and our brand new calendar feature. Swanky, eh? It’s still a work in progress — I’ve got like…130 more conventions to add — but I’m hoping it will be a useful tool for convention planning. Go ahead and play around with it, and if you find any bugs or think of any features you’d like added, feel free to leave a comment or send a message. To everyone who has submitted a convention but hasn’t seen it added, I’ll be putting those up as I populate the rest of the calendar. Integrating the calendar…

  • New Conventions,  News

    New Cons – Jan 16, 2019

    Happy 2019, AAC party people! Apologies for the lull in convention-adding around these parts. I’m slowly working on something that I hope will dramatically increase the site’s functionality. I’ll be keeping it under wraps a little while longer, but if all goes according to plan, it should be ready before con season gets going in the spring. Anyway, on to the new conventions!

  • New Conventions,  News

    Patreon, Ko-fi, and New Conventions

    Welcome back, AAC amigos! First, a bit of news: you may have noticed the site’s looking a little different. In addition to freshening up the style, we’ve also added some handy links in case you feel like donating to support the site. We’re planning on implementing some new features (a convention calendar being first among them), and would really appreciate any help you can give to get us up and running. Anyway, without further ado, onto the new conventions!

  • New Conventions,  News

    New Conventions – September 3, 2018

    Hi there AAC party people! It’s been a minute since you heard from the ol’ news section, eh? Well it’s come to my attention that the lack of chatter from your crabby old admin has led some to believe that this page is (gasp!) inactive. Longtime reviewers will know the truth, but maybe we should make some noise so the newcomers will know we’re still kickin’. From now on I’ll be posting a wee update whenever new conventions are added to the site. So without further ado, here are the latest additions to the AAC family:

  • News

    Con Season is Nearly Here

    Greetings AAC crew! Your humble admin here! Con season is right around the corner, and I know you’re all hard at work prepping your merch and booking your tables. We’re also shaking off that post-holiday daze at AAC. We’ve just added a bunch of new shows over on the Conventions page (including some January cons) for your reviewing pleasure, and there are more on the way. Go check ’em out and leave some feedback if you’ve got it! And of course, if there’s an event you want added to the list, just use the Submit a Con form. Take care, my lovely AAers! 🙂

  • News

    Happy New Year from AAC!

    Greetings artists! I hope you all had fun ringing in the New Year! Here at AAC, we’re celebrating a smaller (but still pretty great) milestone. Artists Alley Confidential was officially launched less than a month ago, and we already have 55 highly informative user reviews and over 120 conventions listings. Do you know how awesome that is? Answer: very.  But there’s still room to grow! As you start making your convention rounds for 2016, I encourage you to let your fellow AAers know about this resource. The more voices we add to our community, the better it becomes! And as always, keep those reviews, comments, and convention submissions coming. Best…

  • News

    Updated Convention List

    Greetings all! Your humble admin here with a few updates that will hopefully make AAC even easier to use. First, if you go to the Conventions page, you’ll notice that events are now listed alphabetically by state. I received a lot of feedback regarding the organization of this list, and the number one request was to group conventions by location. You can still use the search tool (up top in the main menu) to find conventions by name, city, or date (I recommend searching by month). Canadian and UK cons will be added soon, and will be sorted by province and country, respectively. Which brings me to the next update.…

  • News

    Adding Conventions

    Hey guys! Your humble admin here. First off, I just wanted to say how glad I am to see that you’re finding this little resource useful! I’ve received a lot of feedback regarding additional features you’d like to see, and am looking into implementing some of them soon. Regarding submitting conventions for the list, I’d like to get a bit more specific with the protocol. It has come to my attention that there are a lot of cons. Like, a daunting amount. More than one person can handle, really. So with that in mind, I’d like to ask for your help! If you want a con added, you can still…

  • News

    Rolling out the welcome mat

    Welcome to Artists Alley Confidential! Here we invite you, the hard-working artists of AAs across the country, to review your pop culture convention experiences. Help fellow artists find great cons, or spread the word about shows to avoid like the plague. Tell organizers what you loved about an event and what you’d like to see next year. There are no wrong answers! Everyone is free to contribute (but having a look at the rules first is a good idea), and remember, names are optional but honesty is a must!