{venue_city}, {venue_state} {venue_zip}
May 30, 2019 - June 2, 2019 | Table Cost: $279
In 2023, I decided to sell at the Otaku Craft Fair on Thursday from Detroit, where the half tables are first come first served. You only have to pay admission. If you did manage to get a spot, traffic was great. If you're not too far and you're a newer vendor, I recommend giving it a shot. Just get there way early and get a spot in line! Also, The venue being at Kalahari is so cool. We played at the arcade the day before 🙂
I actually was barely fit into the room, but I got a pop up table and chair and did my business!
Otherwise, I do recommend doing the Otaku Craft Fair if you're local-ish to the area (within a 2-3 hour drive) and are willing to arrive early in the morning to reserve your spot in line, though you don't actually have to arrive *that* early to be able to get a table even with the high amount of interest. All you need is a Thursday or all-weekend badge to get in, and then you're free to take over a 3 foot half-table space (or a full 6 foot space if you're table-sharing with another artist in your party) and make sales for the rest of the day after the doors open. The sales are actually quite good for a *Thursday* and surpassed almost all my other con days in the past except for a few, but a lot of Colossalcon's attendees are very loyal to the con (and moneyed) so they'll start staying at the Kalahari or a nearby hotel early in the week so that they can start partying and hanging out for as long as possible. That also means that they have plenty of money to spend, of course. And if you're able to, I recommend staying for at least a day or two after the craft fair (or, if you're in main AA, after hours) to enjoy what the con has to offer attendees. The programming, game room, and the resort's own swimming pool facilities are all genuinely great. The staff for this con are very good at what they do and were always very nice and helpful, plus the attendees were some of the nicest and happiest I've ever seen any convention crowd be. Maybe it's the good entertainment and alcohol making people act like that, but the good vibes were infectious and I found myself having fun too even though it's an expensive con to attend for all four days.
I'll definitely warn ahead of time though that Sandusky sucks for finding any kind of decent food unless you're willing to really hunt for it or pay out the wazoo, and you'll need a car to get around (or to get there if you're coming from further away since there's no nearby major airport). Be prepared to eat a lot of fast food while you're there. But if you can put up with all of that, then I think this con is worth giving a try!
On a personal level, I will say both the resort and Sandusky itself is... Meh. It was hard to find food in the area that was good even a little bit and by the end of it I was feeling the pain of living off McDonalds, Five Guys and Chik Fil A. (Do NOT go to the Chipotle... Just trust me!!!) And the vibe of Kalahari feels... Look, I'm gonna say it, it feels kind of racist and fetishizing of Africa. ...Not the con's fault whatsoever, but yeah, it's... Kinda weird. (The attractions seem fun though.)
I was warned about parking but actually I never had a problem finding a spot, though sometimes I had to walk kinda far. No big deal personally though.
Anyway, the jury is tight but I would certainly return (This time booking a place with a working fridge because bringing food is NECESSARY!) and am planning on going on the ColossalCon Cruise in 2023 because it really seemed like everyone had a great time.
Chloe Miller
But if you're lucky enough to get in, the venue is great (even if expensive to stay at and it's hard to drive in every day so you kind of have to stay there). It can be really profitable.
Good luck.