{venue_city}, {venue_state} {venue_zip}
February 22, 2019 - February 24, 2019 | Table Cost: $70
*What sold*
The things that sold for me the most are smaller things.
If you're looking to gauge whether your $40 print will move...It won't. But my smaller items sold the most at this con. The audience generally has a set budget and moves expenses around to get what really catches their eye.
*Attendee Base*
The attendees here are predominantly college students, some minors, families, and people of color (which I personally appreciate)
The biggest highlights of AA were the attendees. They were as sweet as pie. They joked around and laughed, and they were genuinely there to have a great time make small talk, and fan me with compliments. The vendor base was great too. This convention has a very big "community" and "homey" feel to it.
The other huge highlight was the accessible and tasty food from the student cultural clubs. I didn't have a chance to pack food like I usually do at cons, so having a $1 milk tea and $2 samosas were fine by me!
Traffic flowed nicely, there was ample enough space between aisles and between tables, and when it got buy, it got busy. However, we did experience some bouts of down time. Sunday for me was slow. Some parts of Saturday were slow towards the end.
Props to the AA staff and security for walking around and checking to see if we were okay. I seriously appreciated that.
Should they have me, I'll be coming back again. This is a really choice con.