{venue_city}, {venue_state} {venue_zip}
November 2, 2019 - November 2, 2019 | Table Cost: $45
The venue is right in the center of Glasgow and easily accessible by bus and train. The royal concert hall is lovely, always nice and clear, good natural light and very spacious.
The staff were lovely, they came round and asked how I was getting on a few times. I had no table assistant so asked one of the staff to watch my table while I went to the bathroom and had a quick look around which he was happy to do.
The convention had grown from last time and there were a lot more vendors in artist alley. Due to this they had split the alley into 2 sections, one on either side of the dealers room. Although it was busy I feel like people didn't realise there were 2 different rooms and it was a little confusing. There was a lot of space behind the tables and they weren't all crammed in which was nice. I feel that a few artists didn't show up because of low table prices as there was a few empty tables.
Attendance was pretty good for a con in it's first year, around 2000 people I think but it seemed to have quite a relaxed atmosphere and people were happy to spend money on art. Marketing and advertisement is really good on Facebook so I can imagine the convention will continue to grow past year 1.
Tables are very reasonable for this event, it's easy to make 10x table cost with a good setup, the applications are FCFS and they fill up really quickly though.