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vendor and artist scoring is not transparent and biased
They accept vendors and artists based on some kind of scoring and voting system by their staff, which is not transparent. Due to politics involved with this show, I cannot recommend it.
September 8, 2023, 3:18 pm
Artist girl
Much slower than before
Might be chalked up to Covid and the bad snow that came the night before, but attendance for 2022 was really bad. I had a booth in 2020 as well, and even tho the space was much smaller, attendance was way better and so were the sales. Artist alley was moved to a much larger area which is nice, but it didn’t feel like there were enough artists or attendees to fill the space, so it ended up feeling very empty. If you’re local then this is probably no big deal but I came from out of state. Hopefully it’s just the circumstances that made it turn out this way, but I might be wary of coming back next year.
February 15, 2022, 4:02 pm
Print Artists
Fun, Relaxing, and Successful
Setsucon is one of those cons that you just want to keep going to. This was my third time coming to the con and each time it gets better and better. While you won't make the most money at it, the con offers super cheap tables ($70!!) and hotel rooms are also really cheap. Was very easy to load into the table this year now that they are in a bigger space compared to years past and the staff have continued to impressive each year. It was much slower on Sunday than normal, but sales on Saturday easily made my money back on all my expenses so Sunday was just icing. Hope to be back again next year!
February 1, 2022, 10:57 am
An artists
Middle of nowhere convention
The convention is nice for being in the middle of nowhere. Best to get a table if you live near by. The staff are great and very helpful. The dealers room is very cramped. Had it been bigger there could be more space between vendors. Which would be a convince for vendors and the guests. The best day to make sales is Saturday. Saturday has more foot traffic.. Sunday there isn't much foot traffic. If you're not from nearby, you may want to consider expenses. The price of the table, hotel, food, ect can be costly. Which could be deal breaker for if you make even.
January 30, 2022, 3:20 am
Setsucon Artist
Only worth it if you're close by
This con is located in the middle of Nowhere, PA and you're surrounded by mountains. Expect very little foot traffic and low attendance numbers. That being said, the con staff was amazing and helped me with a table location issue so big kudos to them on that. Speaking of, the vendors room is way too small even for the tiny number of tables (I think there were 30 total). Table itself was pretty cheap so you could probably break even if you don't spend an arm and leg on travelling expenses. Come here if you live nearby, otherwise it's not worth it.
January 29, 2020, 10:30 pm
Marleni Gomez
A nice con if you're nearby
We come from 4 hours away in NJ and it's a good con for the price. Table is cheap ($80-130) and the layout works well. The staff is very helpful and there is enough time to set up and take down. Only thing is that Sunday was very VERY slow, seems that most people only come saturday and whoever comes sunday is already all spent out. A nice con if you're nearby, but the attendance is not as big as it could be. it will keep growing though! I will update on how I do after this year
January 14, 2020, 12:08 am