{venue_city}, {venue_state} {venue_zip}
July 12, 2019 - July 14, 2019 | Table Cost: $175
So my review based on this last year alone:
Pros- New signage to divert people into the artist alley, nice staff and good sales.
Cons- Artist Alley was closed hours early the first day due to confusion within the staff, Security was inconsistent. One day I'd be allowed to bring my own food in (due to allergies) and another it was forbidden. The convention center has been doing it's best to force people to buy the food from their stand. And this is less to do with the people running the convention and just the people who own the con center themselves.
Even with the cons of this... well CON, I still return each year. It's an enjoyable convention regardless and I always do very well. Staff is nice but still needs more communication to prevent mistakes like the AA room closing early. The attendees are okay. I get some return customers each year looking for new stuff and are really great, but there is always some a**hole every year that either tries to put me down in order to get a discount on my prints or tries to haggle with me. The amount of good attendees outweighs the bad though.
Texan Artist
For sign-ups, be sure to get on their mailing list. They give preference to people on their mailing list and vendors who from the previous year.