So wait, what is this all about?
This is a place to read and write reviews about various conventions’ artists alleys.

Where do I find the reviews?
Go to the Conventions page and select a convention from the list. The reviews of that show will be listed on its page. Alternatively, you can use the search function in the menu bar to find specific conventions, or look to the sidebar to see recent reviews.

How do I post a review?
Each convention page has a form at the bottom where you can write your review. Simply fill out the required fields, select your star ratings, leave a comment, and hit the “Submit” button.

Do I have to include my name and email in my review?
Nope! If you don’t wish to disclose your identity, you can enter an alias in the Name field, or simply write as “anonymous”. Email addresses do not appear publicly, but if you wish to opt out of that as well, anything in the emailaddress@email.com format should be accepted by the form.

Who can post a review?
Print artists, crafters, costumers, sculpters, jewelry makers, plush artists — anyone really! If you’re an artist and you had a table at a show, you can post a review about it.

I’m an artist but I had a vendor/dealer table at a convention. Can I still contribute a review?
Sure, as long as you were selling your own merchandise (as opposed to officially licensed commercial products). It’s recommended that you mention your location, though, as your experience may be quite different from that of artists in the AA.

I found a review that is inaccurate/unhelpful/generally terrible. What should I do?
If you disagree with a review, you can downvote it by using the corresponding red “thumbs down” icon. If you think a review violates the rules, you can notify the admin using the Contact page or by sending an email to artistsalleyconfidential@gmail.com. Please include a link to the review in question and a short summary of your concerns. Keep in mind that sending a complaint does not guarantee that a review will be removed.

I’m looking for “Insert Con Name Here” but it’s not listed on the Conventions page.
The Conventions page is by no means exhaustive (yet!). If there’s a con you’d like to review that isn’t listed, simply send a message using the Submit a Con form or email artistsalleyconfidential@gmail.com, and we’ll add it ASAP!

I have a question not covered here.
If you have questions or comments, you can get in touch with the admin using the Contact page or by sending an email to artistsalleyconfidential@gmail.com.