
Hilton Miami Airport Blue Lagoon
{venue_city}, {venue_state} {venue_zip}
May 26, 2019 - May 27, 2019 | Table Cost:
(3 votes)

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I cant say I can recommend this con.....
In regards to Mizucon 2017, this con was pretty bad.....

Since the con had a bad year in 2013, every year this con just gets worse with attendance which is what effected this cons ability to attract more people and last year was abysmal with their attendance and the table price ($125) is so not worth it. I was lucky that in 2016 that I was given my table from a friend, but if I bought it, I would have been in the red.

The attendance was so low I was one of the lucky few that broke even, the rest of the artists barely made it to cover the table costs while some didn't even come close due to the low attendance. It was so slow over the course of three days, artists and exhibitors left early because they didn't want to waste their time. As for the venue, while it was pretty, it was very confusing. The con was on the second floor and there wasn't any clear signs for getting to the con. I was glad one of the staff was nice enough to help me get my stuff to the floor where the con was, but it wasn't very spacious and felt a bit cramped.....

While the people who came were nice and it was pretty chill, as for me going again, if this con wasn't so close to me, I wouldn't even be thinking about going again
August 29, 2018, 1:44 am
My tablemate and I decided to sign up for this con after hearing a few good things from other artists. The response time from the staff was a bit spotty to begin with but thats understandable when setting up an event like this. The location was around 3 hours away from where we live so not too bad distance wise but we booked a hotel so we wouldnt have to make the trip multiple times. I regret not looking further into the new venue, however, because neither of us had any idea that there would be no place to park our car overnight under the price of $25 a day! Even customers simply visiting the con for a few hours have to shell out $10. This was already a bit of a let down but we figured it was money we could make back with sales. We were wrong about that as well considering the attendance was horrifically low. I was expecting a smaller size since it takes place around the beginning of the school year and isn't one of the large florida cons but it was so sad to see such a beautiful and diverse artist alley all suffering for lack of people. Our sales barely paid for parking and the table price let alone even thinking of making a profit. It is so slow i've been writing this review at my table the whole time baely seeing anyone new pass by. The convention hotel (while beautiful and state of the art) was impossible to navigate. We had items we couldn't carry up the stairs and when we tried to get to the correct floor via the elevator it took us to a parking lot instead. Turns out only the hotel staff has elevator access to that floor so we ended up being guided through hotel laundry rooms and kitchens that look like they came out of a distopian movie. On the positive side, the staff and congoers were so friendly and kind and worked hard to make our experience better but I really wouldnt recommend going to this con if you want a profit. It may be worth it if you live nearby though.
August 27, 2017, 1:24 pm
Small con, but I had good sales. Staff was awesome.
April 15, 2016, 2:16 pm

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