{venue_city}, {venue_state} {venue_zip}
October 11, 2019 - October 13, 2019 | Table Cost: $85
I did solid sales with a weirdly light saturday of all days. I found a lot of the attendees a little, new. As in, the don't have much convention experience and are still having a bit of issue telling the difference between Artists and Vendors but are more open to a pitch as opposed to the "can I get this $50 item for a dollar" so I think a lot of that was getting in some new bystander locals with the new venue.
I'd absolutely do this convention again being where I am about four hours away. HOWEVER I likely would not drive more than 6 hours or fly to it. It's not to hard to keep costs low (food court locally, parking is WONDERFULLY cheap for a city, and very accessible) but a hotel AND plane ticket would likely not make it profitably enough.
This is a great smaller con where the attendees and staff welcome everyone with open arms as if they've known them their whole life. They used to be in a smaller conference center, but have expanded into the full Big Sandy Superstore Arena within the last few years. Originally, the artist alley was in a long, tiny, crowded hallway that led to the dealers room. Now, it is in the arena with all of the dealers. I personally don't feel that much has changed with the amount of people who will see your table since it's just as accessible as before, however I will say that I love all of the extra room in the arena and the fact that you don't have to pack all of your stuff up every night due to them actually closing and locking that area overnight. The Tsubasacon AA attracts lots of crafters as well as print artists, so it really has a wide variety of artists. They also allowed artists to set up on Thursday night with the vendors, which was really convenient and thoughtful in my opinion.
As for sales, my 2016 year was dwindling. All of the artists I talked to agreed with me that it was really odd, given the fact that most of the time the artists make tons of money at Tsubasacon because of the smaller dealers room. My thought is that since there were other major conventions going on at the same time, as well as another local convention, that could have hurt the amount of attendees that were there to spend money.
My few complaints include the fact that there are only two hotels in downtown Huntington. The rest are quite a driving distance. With the convention growing, they have already more than outgrown the two closest hotels and it is begging to be moved to an area with more places to stay. If you are planning on doing the AA here, get a hotel room way before the AA applications even open to guarantee you a room.
All in all, I love Tsubasacon, and it really is a great convention to check out and table at despite 2016 not being the best year for sales. The staff are great, the venue itself is spacious, and the AA is wonderful every year.